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How To Celebrate Raya In The New Normal and Be Financially Smart At It

Celebrating Hari Raya during this new normal is something we have to adapt to while we combat this pandemic. How do you celebrate Raya while being financially smart in the new normal?

This year, Malaysians will need to think creatively to celebrate Hari Raya to make sure that we can still keep up the spirit and usual generosity to fill these holidays with blessings, happiness, and celebration.

Due to the enforcement of Conditional Movement Order (CMCO), we are advised to tone-down our Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations to protect our families and friends from the current situation. Household gatherings are only allowed on the first day of Raya, cannot exceed 20 people at one time and only for family members, with social distancing, and must avoid hugging or kissing among them.

Other than protecting our loved ones health, we should also practices safe finances management especially when you want to give duit raya, shopping, preparing food and family gathering. We provide for you some ways for healthier and easier way to celebrate raya in these tough times without causing disturbances on your pockets.

#1. It’s The Year of E-Duit Raya

One of the most fun Hari Raya traditions is the giving and receiving of duit raya. With family and friends far from you, this is the time to bring this traditions with a twist of digital era with e-Duit Raya.

Among some e-Duit Raya that you can do via fund transfer through CIMB Clicks or DuitNow. CIMB Clicks Instant Transfer allows you to immediately send funds to an account at any bank in Malaysia without transfer charges. By DuitNow, you can instantly transfer money just using their mobile phone number (only the one that registered with CIMB).

Maybank also provide e-Duit Raya application via MAE and QR Pay. With MAE, you can simply give duit raya to registered person’s account with Maybank2u only by using their phone numbers. For QR Pay, you just have to scan the QR Code of respective person and voila! they will receive their money instantly.

This year, Touch ‘n Go eWallet also introduced their “Raya Sempoi 2020″ campaign. All you have to do is send a minimum of RM5 as duit raya via their “Transfer” function, and be rewarded with guaranteed cashback ranging from RM0.10 all the way up to RM300.

#2. Continue Doing Your Raya Shopping Online

You can always continue to do your Raya shopping safely with various different online shopping platform like Lazada and Shopee. But, make sure to do it financially smart by sticking to your allocated budget for shopping and always have a list so you would not end up with impulse buying at the end of the day.

Before making a purchase, especially if it’s expensive, make sure that you really need it. Why do you need it? Where will you put it? Do you have enough space for it? What will you use it for? Make a list of the pros and cons of making this purchase, so you can make sure that you actually need the item, not want it. Wait a week before buying this item, so not to make any impulse purchases.

#3.  Share Food and Teach Your Favorite Recipes

We Malaysian love our food and every family has a special dish that they prepare during the festive holidays. We can continue that spirit of generosity during Hari Raya by sharing our delicious food with our families while staying safe in our own home. The easiest way to do this is to cook the food and then have it delivered to various family and friends through services like Grab Delivery, GoGet or MrSpeedy.

If your loved ones lives too far away to deliver food, you can teach them too to make the special dish themselves, with the help of video conferencing software like Skype or Zoom. This way, you can help sharing the recipe and in saving money by cooking their own Raya meals instead of opting for delivery or takeaway foods – especially when you are stranded  alone during MCO and cannot go back to your hometown.

#4.  Reaching out to friends and family – virtually

During this new normal, many Malaysians won’t be able to visit their families, and some may even spending the holidays alone. Reach out to them and include them in your Hari Raya celebrations. Pack a complete meal and send it to them, call them so that their days is still filled with the company of loved ones. You can also opt for online video call either by using WhatsApp, FaceTime, Zoom or Skype to include them during minta maaf session and family’s lunch.

This might sound like a lonely way to celebrate Hari Raya, but when you look at it positively, this can help you save money that you need to spend originally on transportation like petrol and car’s maintenance to visit family and friends in another areas.


Hari Raya is a special celebration for all Malaysians. Let’s find ways to continue our traditions and festive celebrations while putting your safety first, protecting the vulnerable and saving money in the process.

How do you spend your Hari Raya in this new normal? Share with us in the comments section below.

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